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Education is the Key to the Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Profession

Education is the Key to the Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Profession

In addition to my clinical practice, I have had the privilege of training practitioners for 25 years. I have seen many changes in how we educate practitioners and as I hope most would expect, it has improved considerably. With my educators hat on, I genuinely believe that education across the board is the thing that can make a profession excel. Not only as a profession, but also make our society excel and help to even out society. Education is still the great leveller between people in my view.

However, whilst there is great improvement in education in our profession, the training of hypnotherapists and psychotherapists is also a business. Businesses all share a goal of making money, being profitable.

Sadly there are trainers in our field put that in front of  producing skilled and educated practitioners. I have said for decades that people who train practitioners should be qualified as not only a practitioner, but also crucially the person must have some training and qualification in education. I know that might sound self serving, but I genuinely believe that qualified education and educators can make the profession go from strength to strength.

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