Being Grateful
I see a great many number of people in my clinical practice. Many come to me because they are suffering with some emotional of psychological affliction. However, there are some who come to me because they want to reconnect with the better parts of themselves and their lives. All too often, we focus on everything that we do not seem to have and give very little thought to all that they have and have achieved.
Striving to achieve things is one of the traits that makes successful people what they are. However, if we do not appreciate where are at the moment it is impossible to really achieve things. All too often we forget all the good things that we have in our lives. This can be work success or the love of his or her family or simply being one of life’s survivors.
If we look at the positive aspects of ourselves we are in a far better position to actually improve ourselves. I recommend to all my clients to spend a certain amount of time each day being grateful for all the things they achieved and the§ things and people they have in their lives. Take a moment now to be grateful for all the things in your lives that have helped make you the person that you are today.