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Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference

For today’s effort I want to use this particularly apt quote for an observation I have made here in Havana. From the roof garden of my apartment here I have watched hundreds of Cuban citizens queuing up for hours to gain entrance to a place called Coppelia. Now Coppelia is a state run ice cream parlour which serves up to 16100 litres of ice cream to up to 35000 per day.

Now you might be wondering what does an ice cream parlour have to do with attitude. Well, observing these folk over the past couple of days, I have seen them happily chatting, perhaps having some music, but the. OST important part is that they wait without complaining. They just get on it.

I wonder whether we in the West should take something from this and stop complaining about the small stuff and simply get on with things, if not with a smile on my face, at least with politeness. I admit it rather embarrassed me regarding some of my impatience and briskness which I sometimes display. The people here have very little in monetary terms, but they have heart and soul which must count for something.

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