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It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required

It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required

This is a great Churchillian quote which fits into therapy rather nicely. I can also see its merits when discussing parenting as well. Very often my clients will say that they are doing there very best to change whatever it is they need to change. However, change does not come. This often leads me to saying that perhaps they are, but there is one or more things that needs to be done in order to make the change happen and this clearly has not been done as of yet. Clients will often look at me perplexed when I say this and then the penny drops and they say “Oh I need to do this or that but I have been hoping I would not need to”

There is a presupposition in Neuro Linguisitic Progamming which is called the law of requisite variety. This states the person with the most behavioural flexibility runs the system. As a therapist I will do all that is required to assist a client to reach his or her goals and aspirations. I expect no less of a commitment from my clients.

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