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Random Kindness

Random Kindness

Whilst having breakfast today, I noticed something interesting. A man who was finding it difficult to get around to the buffet was engaged in a conversation with a person at an adjoining table. The chap at the adjoining table suddenly offered to go fetch this man his breakfast as he could see that navigating the buffet might prove difficult for the other person.

Now this was not and should not be seen as an unusual act of kindness, but it gave me pause. I wonder how much happier and mentally healthier we would all be if we did one random act of kindness each day. It would need to be an act of kindness with no reward or to be done to anyone you know.

To me the concept of kindness is not something we in the mental health profession look at as important enough. Human beings are creatures that are caring and compassionate it is something that comes far more natural and easy than being cruel or unkind.

Thanks to this random act of kindness, I believe that I will start to give this as a task to my clients as I believe that it would not only benefit them, but also benefit the world around them. After all, none of us are an island.

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