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The Importance of REAL Friendship

The Importance of REAL Friendship

With so much discussed about things like Facebook friends and Twitter followers, I think there are times when we could be forgiven for forgetting really friendships. What do I mean by real friendship, I mean the kind of friendships where you actually see the person who you are calling a friend. As well as seeing them you are also interacting with them doing things that you find enjoyable. We are all busy people, but I have found more and more of my clients who feel lonely though they have a very active “virtual life”

Even in my own life, I realise that perhaps I have not spent as much time as I should have with those people I call my friend. I will be doing just that this weekend at the Test Cricket match tomorrow. I hadn’t realised how much I have missed the company of these friends of mine. All of us need to be looking at our relationships, be they friendships or loving partnerships and really appreciate them. All too often we take these people who are closest to us for granted. I am making a pact with myself to not let a day go by where I do not tell the people I care about how I feel. I recommend the same for you dear reader.

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