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The Search For Purpose

The Search for Purpose

Having been involved with training therapists since 1993, I have seen my fair share of people who reach a point of their lives where they seek something more than what they have been.

It has been a trend over the past several weeks within my practice, where I have seen many more clients who are suffering an existential crisis about their purpose in life. I believe that an unforeseen consequence of the referendum has been a loss in identity rather than a gain for many people.

Indeed, there are clients of mine who cannot remember a time when they were not “Europeans”. This change in identity, has caused difficulty with regards to purpose in life.

Whenever there is a major socio-economic change there is a knock on effect in careers which often leads to a change to a question of life’s purpose. This search for purpose is not always a fulfilling journey for people, but rather it becomes a hard reassessment of what is meaningful to them.

Through psychotherapy a person can be helped in their search for a purpose in life. A therapist does not give the client purpose but it rather gives the client the opportunity to explore this in a safe enviornment.

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