Utilising Parts Therapy in Hypno-Psychotherapy Pt 2
In the late 1920s, Federn published important books such as “Some Variations in Ego-Feeling” and “Narcissism in the Structure of the Ego”. In his works he elucidated upon the concepts of “ego states”, “ego limits”, “ego cathexis” and the median nature of narcissism. Although an ardent supporter of Freud’s teachings, Federn’s concept of the ego as experience coinciding with “ego feeling” was inconsistent with Freud’s structural approach. Out of loyalty to his mentor, Federn had a tendency to downplay his own theories, even though the conclusions he reached were far different from Freud’s.
Federn advocated an unorthodox approach concerning analysis of psychosis. He believed that a patients’ attempt at integration should involve strengthening his defenses, while at the same time avoiding repressed material. He also believed thattransference involving psychosis should not be analyzed, and that negative transference should be avoided. In regards to schizophrenic patients, he believed that their egos possessed insufficient cathectic energy, and that it was a lack rather than an excess of narcissistic libido that caused a psychotic individuals’ difficulties with the object.
Additionally, one must acknowledge the work done by John and Helen Watkins, developers of what is known today as âEgo State Therapyâ. Ego states are the parts of our personality that make up our entire self. These parts give us the ability to adapt, think, act, and respond differently in different situations. When conflict occurs between these parts, there is a form of psychological disturbance. Clients may or not be consciously aware of this, however working with the parts in a hypno-psychotherapeutic manner may allow the client to explore this conflict and to resolve it.