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5 differences between Ericksonian Hypnosis and Non state View of Hypnosis

5 differences between Ericksonian Hypnosis and Non state View of Hypnosis

5 differences between Ericksonian Hypnosis and Non State View of Hypnosis are: 1. Erickson believed that hypnosis was a distinct state where non state hypnotists believe that hypnosis is not a special or unique state. 2. Erickson had a concept of
“Trance Logic” where non-state theorists do not hold to the view that there is a “Trance Logic” 3. Erickson identified specific physiological alterations as being associated with trance, whilst non state theorists do not see any special physiological
states with trance. 4. Ericksonian’s believe that some hypnotic phenomena require some form of suggestion, whilst non state theorists believe that all hypnotic phenomena can be created without hypnotic suggestion. 5. Non state theorists believed that suggestibility could be increased without hypnotic suggestion, whilst Ericksonian’s believe that the use of fractionalisation will help to facilitate greater suggestibility.

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