The unconscious mind and creativity
As a hypno-psychotherapist I have two of the most powerful things in the universe at my disposal in working with my client. Wow! That sounds good: and it is good: really good news for both of us!
And what are these two things?
My unconscious and theirs!
We all use only a fraction of the potential of our mind; if we used just a little more, and believed in that potential just a little more just think of the benefit!
Here are a few hints for maximising the potential of the unconscious mind:
- The unconscious always has a positive aim for any behaviour, however negative it may seem.
- The unconscious does not understand negatives. Tell yourself not to think of a pink elephant: what do you think of?
- Whenever the unconscious mind concentrates on an idea, that idea becomes spontaneously realised. The unconscious mind cannot differentiated between something that is real and something that is imagined.
- The harder the mind tries to do something, the harder it will be: never ask a client to try to do something! The same applies to the word hope.
- A strong emotion will always dominate a weaker one, so if you can attach a strong emotion to a goal, for instance, success becomes easier.
- The unconscious mind likes symbols, patterns and stories.
- The acceptance of one suggestion aids the acceptance of another. Sales people often use this technique; by getting you to say yes to unimportant questions, you are more likely to say yes to the big ones!
- The unconscious mind likes easier jobs first: almost as though it needs to be in training to work up to bigger tasks.
- The unconscious takes things personally: the rational mind is needed to, well, rationalise.
- The unconscious mind works on the principle of the least effort and will choose the path of least resistance.
- Repetition is needed to form a habit. Once installed the unconscious needs to be involved in its resolution.
- The unconscious works in the moment of now: if something is perceived as being true now, but reality shows a discrepancy, the unconscious will work to make reality fit the perception: hence visualising your future works!
- Just as the unconscious doesnât understand try, so it doesn’t interpret going to be as the conscious mind might imagine. If you decide that you are going to be a writer/artist/police officer/whatever, that is in the future, and your unconscious will keep it in the future until you choose to bring it into the present.