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Absences Although absences from therapy sessions can occur for legitimate reasons (business trips, illness, etc.) they may also be the result of increased anxiety. As a group develops and members sense that subsequent interaction may penetrate into areas that are … Continue reading

The Manipulator It is not uncommon for the trainer to encounter manipulative members within the group. Such individuals tend to steer the group direction to meet their own ends. For example, a group member may try to put the heat … Continue reading

Scapegoating In some groups, an individual member is sometimes consciously or unconsciously identified as the individual who personifies all that is or could be wrong in the world. Perhaps one or two individuals may be singled out to bear the … Continue reading

Acting Out or Hostile Behaviour The acting out group member is perhaps as much of a concern to the beginning therapist as the discipline problem is to the student teacher. Often the behaviour erupts suddenly and catches both the therapist … Continue reading

Talk as an Avoidance Here are some of the people who use Talk as an Avoidance that you may encounter in group work: Mr. Personal: This is a person who takes up slack with a long and sometimes highly personal … Continue reading

Silence in the Group: Following, yesterday’s posting, I will start with the first of several issues that come up in group dynamics. The silent group, or perhaps the silent student can be a frustrating experience for trainers. In reality, a … Continue reading

Facilitation of Group Process SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN GROUPS adapted from Group Counseling, by Dinkmeyer and Muro The information in this section is from the National Training Laboratories, and is based on their research into group process. This section was originally … Continue reading

Three Factors that Influence Positive Suggestion Management Facilitation The acceptance of one suggestion always aids in the acceptance of another. The persuasive salesperson who forces the prospect to answer many unimportant questions with yes before popping the big one is … Continue reading

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