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Choosing a hypnotherapy/psychotherapy supervisor The less experience the therapist has, the more experience the supervisor should have. Supervisors should be sufficiently experienced and qualified in therapy or in a closely related field for others to have confidence in their professional … Continue reading
RESPECT SCALE Level 1.0 Verbal and non-verbal responses communicate overt disrespect, or negative regard, declaring the other person’s feelings and experiences unworthy of consideration. The helper may make herself/himself the focus of the evaluation, actively disapprove of behaviour, impose her/his … Continue reading
Rogerian Genuineness For persons seeking therapeutic services, it is important that a therapist is able to be genuine with his client. This genuineness is a bit different than perhaps one would naturally assume to be genuine, so I would like … Continue reading
Schizophrenia The word comes from the Greek, ‘split mind’, hence arises a common misconception that schizophrenia refers to a Jekyll and Hyde character, or the ‘Multiple Personality Disorder’. This is not so. It was Bleuler, a German psychiatrist, who coined … Continue reading
Empathetic Communication Scale Level 1.0 The counsellor’s verbal and behavioural responses are irrelevant, subtract significantly in affect content, and do not attend appropriately to the other’s expression. The counsellor communicates no awareness of even the most obvious expressed surface feelings … Continue reading
Smoking statistics One of the most common things people associate with hypnotherapy is smoking cessation. At Brookhouse Hypnotherapy we have worked with many people successfully over the past 25+ years. It might be useful to see some of the statistics … Continue reading
Transference Theories of transference and counter-transference are often presented in such a way as to appear complex, and as such can be resisted by trainees. However these concepts can be useful to be aware of in therapy, not only for … Continue reading
Stress- the myths and the facts The following are some of the misconceptions that are held about stress and the related disorders that are associated with it:- Stress is contagious. Wrong, but some people react to those suffering as if … Continue reading
The Adlerian approach Alfred Adler was a colleague of Freudâs in Vienna. He became interested in psychology following his observations, as a doctor, that physically healthy patients would often have genuine physical symptoms. After a few years, it became clear … Continue reading
The Freudian Approach Of course, Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalytical therapy, but his ideas have also been adapted to form a branch of psychodynamic therapy. In this context there is more intervention, less concentration on free association and … Continue reading